Oncidium Intergenerics 


CODES:  ss = seedling size; ls = large seedling; nfs = near flowering size; fs = flowering size


Featured Plants, Flasks, Cattleya, Miscellaneous, Oncidium Intergenerics, Paphiopedilums, Doritaenopsis,  Phalaenopsis,

Species, Supplies

Page last updated on February 1, 2025

A - H

M - Oncidioda, Oncidium - Z

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Aliceara (Beallara) Kutchin This hybrid was made by Hassinger Orchideen but despite requests, they have not forwarded the parentage (although plant  is listed on their web page). Flowers have a white/cream base overlaid by raspberry/purple swirls and spotting. The colourful glowers are quite large and long lasting. $30-32 fs


Aliceara Mervyn Grant ‘Talisman Cove’ Mtssa Star Fighter x Onc Crispum Mericlone. Petals & sepals are yellow covered with oxblood blotches; lip yellow with pink blush; good substance and a crystalline texture. $28-32 fs


Aliceara (Beallara) Pacific Pastel 'Mauna Loa' Aliceara Tropic Splendor x Oncidium Connero The large flowers have cream petals and sepals with the occasional plum purple spot and a large white lip accented by plum purple spots. $34 fs

Very Limited

Aliceara Sunday Best 'Ontario' HCC/AOS Brsdm Gilded Urchin x Milt spectabilis Sepals & petals brown, dark burgundy blotches on basal half; lip rose-pink with white edged burgundy spots around a yellow and brown callus.

$30-35 fs



Beallara Dancing Matador ‘Everglades’ Mtssa Limbo Dancers x Oda Matador Mericlone. Produces long spikes with four or five 3-inch flowers and is free flowering. Rich gold base,white lip superimposed with large deep red blotching. $32 nfs


Beallara Marfitch Mtssa Charles Marden Fitch x Oda Fremar` Beautifully arched inflorescences with up to 10 flowers on each. Sepals/petals are deep burgundy, cardinal red markings are haloed in white and the lip is attractively patterned, almost electric! Flowers can be larger than 5” and are well spaced.

$30-34 fs


Beallara Rocket Bllra Tahoma Glacier 'Green' x Milt spectabilis 'Montville'  Flowers will be large with the petals and sepals in cream tones with a raspberry overlay throughout. Lip is cream with pink shading and prominent rust spots at the center. Lots of flower variation in this cross.

$32-34 fs

Beallara Tahoma Glacier ‘Green’ Mtssa Cartagena x Oda Alaskan Sunset Very large, flat, elegant white blooms, heavily spotted with red/mauve  and well spaced on a strong spike, . Good warmth tolerance. $32-34 fs


Beallara Tropic Splendour 'Golden Gate'  Miltassia Cartagena x Beallara Tahoma Glacier Very, very large, white flowers, highlighted by a sprinkling of red mahogany spots and a slightly wavy, full lip. The flowers have a delicate fragrance!

$32-35 nfs


Brascidostele Brsdm. Kenneth Bivin 'SB' x Ons. Black Beauty 'Ken' 4n The best will have tall, elegant sprays of flaring flowers having very dark red mahogany petals and sepals highlighted with a yellow halo around the edges. Lip will be a deep red with some white highlights. $30-34 fs

Very Limited

Brassia Brs. arachnoidea x Brs. Rex Expect lots of spidery looking flowers, base colour is cream but heavily overlaid in green and mahogany spots and bars. $35 - 38 fs


Brassia Aunty Diana Aki KA5084 Brassia (caudata alba x Edvah Loo) The Br caudata parent has yellow to chartreuse petals and sepals with a contrasting white lip with some yellow highlights. Br Edvah Loo has flowers with petals and sepals that are green and accented by chocolate bars and a cream coloured lip with some chocolate spotting. $35-38 fs
Brassia Aunty Diana Aki KA5083


Brassia (Edvah Loo x caudata alba) The first to flower have taken after the Br Edvah Loo parent with pale green petals and sepals accented with some chocolate bars. The lip was cream coloured also with some chocolate markings. $35-38 fs
 Brassia Edvah Loo 'Goldilocks'  Brassia (longissima x gireoudiana) Petals and sepals butter yellow with faint green overlay, sprinkled with brown spots and scented.  $32-35 fs


Brassia Eternal Wind Brassia (Bracdiana x Rex) Typical 'spider' orchid. Petals and sepals are pale green, heavily blotched in chocolate brown. Lip is also pale yellow and splashed overall with chocolate brown. Flowers have good substance and should be fragrant. $34-36 fs

Very Limited

 Brassia Mem Fritz Boedeker  Brassia (longissima x Rex) Large flowers, sepals and petals chartreuse, basally darker with deep brown blotches; lip light yellow with central spotting of deep brown. Scented.  $35-38 fs
Brassia Montville Spiders Brassia (Memoria Fritz Boedeker x Brown's Sunrise) These should be very large, spidery flowers, with a green base and deep mahogany spots on the lip and petals. $35-38 fs
 Brassia New Start 'Galaxy'  Brassia (Starex x Edvah Loo) Large chocolate and green spidery flowers, heavily scented.  $34-36 fs


  Brassia Santa Barbara Brassia (Edvah Loo ‘Featherhill’ x Rex “Geyserland’) Sepals and petals yellow-green, barred with dark brown; lip yellow with dark brown spots. $35 nfs

Currently Unavailable

Brassia Rex Brs verrucosa x gireoudiana A popular primary hybrid which flowers on tall spikes carrying up to 20 large fragrant flowers. The flowers are in the shape of stars, light green petals & sepals spotted in mahogany spots and a cream coloured lip. $35-38 fs
  Brassia Rex "Sakata" HCC/AOS Brassia verrucosa x brassia gireoudiana Up to a dozen 6 inch spiders, superbly held on strong arching spikes. Lime green base brushed and barred with chocolate. Very scented. Mericlone. $32-34 nfs

Very Limited

Brassia Up the Water-Spout 'Long Legs' Brassia (Spider's Feast x Santa Ynez) Another 'spider' orchid with large flowers carried on long arching spikes. Flowers have a yellow base very heavily marked in mahogany bars. Lip is white overlaid with a deep wine red. $35-38 fs

Very Limited

Brassidium (Sanderara) Black Star 'Pacific Red Star' Brassia Santa Ynez x Oncidium Fireflower Branching sprays of large, star shaped flowers that are red and accented by yellow markings on the lip. $32-35  fs

Very Limited

Brassidium Cloud's Comet Brs longissima x Brsdm Shooting Star Looking for yellow/chartreuse sepals and petals heavily overlaid with dark brown blotches and spots. Spikes should be elegant and many-flowered. $35-38 fs
Brassidium Fly Away 'Miami' HCC/AOS Brsdm Gilded Urchin x Onc maculatum Flowers full, open star-shape, bright chartreuse with dark brown spots coalescing to an extent; lip yellow with some spots centrally. Good flower count on tall spikes.  $36-40 fs
Brassidium Gilded Urchin 'Ontario' HCC/AOS Brassia arcuigera x Oncidium wentworthianum Star shaped flowers carried on long arching flower spikes. The petals and sepals are a canary yellow with mahogany barring close to the centre of the flower as well as on the upper part of the large cream coloured lip. $35-38 fs

Very Limited

Brassidium Golden Gamine 'White Knight' HCC/AOS Oncidium sotoanum x Brassidium Gilded Urchin Star shaped flowers with sepals and petals that are yellow, overlaid light green, and irregularly blotched dark maroon. The lip is white and spottedwith red-lavender. $38 fs

Very Limited

Brassidium (Miltassia) Spider Star 'Toscana' Brsdm (Brs Rex x Onc schroederianum) 'Tocana' Large, star shaped flowers in yellow/green overlaid with mahogany bars.

$35-38 fs

Currently Unavailable

Brassidium Wild Warrior 'Chieftain'  HCC/AOS Onc leucochilum x Brs Stardust Sepals & petals butter yellow with basal two-thirds heavily blotched in mahogany;  lip white with irregular blotches of  mahogany on crest. Very Scented!  $30-35 fs

Very Limited

Bratonia (Miltassia) Lavender Kiss 'Lavender Taffy' AM/AOS Bratonia Shelob x Bratonia Charles M. Fitch Very large flowers on this plant. Sepals and petals have a cream-coloured base overlaid in a deep lavender. The large lip is evenly blushed lavender, sparsely and irregularly spotted with brown, yellow and white spots.

$35-38 fs

Bratonia (Miltassia) Shelob 'Okika' Mtssa Olmec x Brassia Edvah Loo This clone has dark chocolate sepals and petals highlighted with chartreuse bars and edging. Lip is a rich rose colour with yellow haloed chocolate spots. Edges of the leaves are variegated. $35-38 fs


Burrageara Odontonia Debutante x Odontioda (Helen Perlite x St. Clement) 'Nebula' This is a cross between the floriferous and heavily branched Debutante and a highly coloured, large Odontioda. $32-35 fs

Currently Unavailable

Burrageara Colm Sphacetante 'Evelyn' x Odontioda Fireflower 'Burgundy' The Colmanara parent is a yellow with brown barring & good branching habit and the Fireflower is so dark it is almost black. Progeny, to date, have been quite variable.  $35 fs

Very Limited

Burrageara Vuyl Linda Isler x Onc leucochilum 'Short Spike'  The Vuyl parent has red toned  and cream flowers whereas the Onc mixes in chartreuse and mahogany with white lip.  $30-34 fs

Currently Unavailable

Burrageara Buried Treasure Wils Bubba Mock x Mtdm x Milton's Candy This plant produces a profusion of bright yellow (‘loonie” sized) flowers heavily barred with chocolate. Spikes are long and have a branching habit. Flower texture is good and flowers are relatively long lived. Mericlone $32-35 fs

Very Limited

Burrageara Dee Luce Burr Living Fire x Onc Anthroclus Relatively compact plant carrying many deep crimson red flowers on an upright spike. Seedlings. $32-35 fs

Very Limited

 Burrageara Jungle Moss 'Rain Forest'  Colmanara Jungle Monarch x Oda Moseman Yellow background with brown barring and a white lip lightly spotted with mahogany. A very strong grower.  $26-28 ss
 Burrageara Living Fire 'Burning Embers' Vuyl Edna x Oncidium maculatum Deep carmine-red flowers; lip lighter carmine with horizontal scalloped lines. Mericlone.   $32 fs

Very Limited

 Burrageara Living Fire 'Dark Fires' HCC/AOS Vuyk Edna x Oncidium maculatum Petals & sepals cardinal-red with white marks in center of petals; lip carmine with faint yellow pattern on upper portion. Flower close-up.  $34 fs

Very Limited

Burrageara (Miltonidium) Pacific Go Onc Illustre 'Transcendent'  x Vuyl Another Go The Vuyl has dark grape purple flowers with rose lip and the Onc mixes in yellow and mahogany! Hybrid that is quite variable.  $28-32 fs

Currently Unavailable

Colmanara (Oncidium)Pacific Space Lustre Colm Sphacelante 'Evelyn' x Onc Illustre 'Wildman' large plants carrying a multitude of 1 1/2" white, brown & yellow fragrant flowers held high on branching spikes. $36 fs

Very Limited

Colmanara Masai Pink Rhynchostele bictoniensis x Oncidium cariniferum Flowers should have sepals and petals that are evenly blotched and barred in mahogany, olive green to tan on reverse and the lip will be varying shades of pink. $35-38 fs
Colmanara Masai Red Rhynchostele bictoniensis x Oncidium cariniferum The flowers on this cross gives deep mahogany petals and sepals and a ruby red lip on flowers that are up to 3 inches in size. $35-38 fs
Colmanara Masai White Rhynchostele bictoniensis x Oncidium cariniferum Petals and sepals have the shape, coloration & patterning of a large bictoniense flower but the lip shows more of the influence of the other parent being white with pink spotting at the base and blending to white to the extremities. $35-36 fs

Very Limited

Cyrtocidistele Rossini Ctd. (Wils) Intermezzo x Rst. (Odm) rossii 'Major' Deep red flowers with a lighter pink patterning on the base of the lip and at the edges of the petals and sepals. $34 fs

Very Limited

 Degarmoara Flying High 'Stars n Bars' HCC/AOS  Miltassia Jetsetter x Odm. McNabianum Horizontally arching spikes, up to 18" long, holding 6-8 flowers, each 4" across (bright chrome yellow with chocolate blotching on the sepals and petals).  $30-32 nfs


 Degarmoara Hani 'Star of Unicorn' AM/AOS  Mtssa Charles Marden Fitch x Odm Hallii Huge plum coloured flowers, dark blotches on petals, rose lip with a stunning white waterfall. Stunning!

 $36-38 fs

$34  nfs

Degarmoara Toy Soldiers ‘Volcano Queen’ Dgmra Flying High x Odm Trilobum Strong, branching spikes carrying maroon & white, star shaped, flowers. Good heat tolerance. Mericlone. $30 fs

Very Limited

 Degarmoara Winter Wonderland 'White Fairy'  Miltassia Cartagena x Odm. Gledhow This intergeneric shows the brassia influence in terms of flower presentation and warmth tolerance and the odont crispum influence appears in the white colour. Very large , full white flowers & scented.

 $28-32 fs

Currently Unavailable

Gomesa (Oncidum) Alosuka 'Claire' AM/AOS Gomesa Memoria (Kiyoshi Akatsuka x Aloha Sunshine) You can expect lots of flowers having chartreuse petals and sepals with maroon spots at the tips and a large yellow lip with a dark maroon center. $28-32 fs

Currently Unavailable

Gomesa (Oncidium) Moon Shadow 'Tigertail' Gomesa Hornet x Gomesa Big Bee The flowers are canary yellow; sepals deep oxblood; the large lip is flat, marked oxblood at the base. $30-32 fs

Very Limited

Gomestele (Odontocidium)Akashi Rst. bictoniensis x Gom. Flexuosa Petals and sepals are yellow heavily barred in bright mahogany whereas the large lip is yellow suffused in tiny orange to red markings $28-30 fs

Very Limited

Gomonciada (Gomada Admaste 'Orange' x Onc eurycline) Goa (Gomada Admaste 'Orange' x Onc eurycline) New hybrid. The Oncidium parent is a miniature with bright yellow and brown flowers. Crossed with the compact  Gomada which has orange twisting flowers. $28 fs

Very Limited

Goodaleara Eurostar 065 Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Onc. Schroederianum Both parents of this mericlone are fragrant. Flowers are large, full and held upright on a tall spike. This particular clone has petals that are red on the lower half and a creamy white towards the ends. The lip is red shading to pink towards the bottom. $28 nfs

Very Limited

Goodaleara Eurostar 067 Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Onc. Schroederianum Flowers are large, star shaped and held upright on a tall spike. This particular clone has petals that are mahogany with creamy white ends. The lip is red shading to white towards the bottom. Fragrant. $28 nfs

Very Limited

Goodaleara Eurostar 068 Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Onc. Schroederianum This mericlone is fragrant. Flowers are star shaped, quite large (about 3") and held upright above the foliage. Petals and sepals are red/mahogany with the tips being creamy white. The lip is a deeper red with the lower half fading to white. $28 fs

Very Limited

Goodaleara Eurostar 069 Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Onc. Schroederianum  Flowers are large, fragrant and star shaped and held upright on a tall spike. This particular clone has petals that are mahogany with creamy white ends. The lip is red specked with white and fades to off white on the lower half. $30 fs

Very Limited

Goodaleara Eurostar 078 Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Onc. Schroederianum The fragrant flowers are large, star shaped and held upright on a tall spike. This particular clone has petals that are a deep mahogany red with paler white tips. The lip is red specked with white and fades to pale pink. $30 fs

Very Limited

Guarechea Black Comet Guarechea Miva Etoile Noire x Prosthechea cochleata The flowers on this plant resemble a deep purple Prosthechea cochleata but on larger plants. $45-48 fs
Guarechea Miva Etoile Noire Guarianthe bowringiana x Prosthechea cochleata The parentage of this plant is half Prostechea cochleata and half Guarianthe bowringiana. Flowers have the shape of the Prosthechea parent but colour of the flowers ranges from deep red to dark purple. $40-42 fs
Howeara Lava Burst ‘Red Bug' Hwra Mini-Primi x Rdza lanceolata Miniature. Flowers have sepals and petals that are deep red and the lip red is canary yellow spots on mask, outer two thirds crimson. $32 fs

Very Limited


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